beet pasta

Fall Inspiration and Foods

Food & fitness for your consideration // Fall is just around the corner, but salad season isn’t over yet

I’m sure that after I post this, we’ll find ourselves in another stretch of hot, humid days, but this last week has gotten me thinking of the leaves changing colors, the approaching Holidays, and slightly cold but still sunny days of Fall.

moxie cycling women's cycling gear jersey fall sunset

This morning on my ride to work, despite the high of 81, I was wearing layers and kinda wished I had gloves. It was chilly! You can tell that Fall is on the way with the crisp air and, unfortunately, shortening days. One good thing about the end of summer is the excess garden vegetables that somehow appear in bucketfuls when your co-workers get sick of making salsa and BLTs and end up with more produce than they can handle. Fresh midwest produce should never go to waste, so take advantage of the bounty with this delicious fresh mozzarella, tomato & basil recipe from the folks at Wisconsin Cheese: Continue reading

July Means BBQ Time, Baby!

Food & fitness for your consideration // July  means BBQ time baby!

Alright kids, who’s excited for the 4th of July? This Moxie lady!! Besides Christmas, which is an automatic winner in the Holiday game because of the family gathering aspect, the 4th of July takes a close second. Think about it: you get a day off to be low-key, hang out in the sun, wear some red-white-and-blue, and enjoy some fireworks just after the sun goes down. And since you have ALL DAY to enjoy yourself, I would recommend making your late afternoon barbeque a step above the rest with some Korean BBQ tacos and a refreshing Matcha Green Tea smoothie from Mrs. Regueiro’s Plate & Healthy Happy Life.

Korean Style BBQ Tacos

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Stealthy & Healthy

Food & fitness for your consideration // Pina Colada Cupcakes with Lime Frosting are the perfect sweet treat for a summer rendezvous

Typically here on Stealthy & Healthy I try to feature a recipe or new tidbit that is beneficial to our health, but once in a while I like to indulge a little, as we all should. A friend of mine is having a much anticipated Summer House Party next weekend and as I was contemplating what I should contribute to the get-together, I remembered a recipe I tried last summer that turned out beyond delicious. The recipe I came across on Pinterest from a blog titled ‘I’ll Eat You.’ And if you like pina coladas [and getting caught in the rain] then you’ll LOVE these cupcakes.

Malibu Pina Colada Cupcakes with Lime Cream Cheese Frosting

The cupcakes themselves taste like gooey pineapple and coconut, but what really makes these amazing is the zesty lime frosting. I had made these in small canning jars with the intention of sending them off to family and friends who lived close by, but they never it made it that far… ssh!

The recipe calls for a lime wedge as a topping, but I think my variation of shredded coconut and lime peel curly-cue worked pretty well.

Can you guess which one is mine?

I’m pretty excited to re-create these – this time in a larger batch.

And if you don’t already know, Moxie Cycling is on Pinterest – click here to see what we’ve been up to!

Stay Sassy…

Team Moxie 

Stealthy & Healthy

Food & fitness for your consideration // Just BEET it!

Since it is mid-week and we are almost ready to say goodbye to another work week, I think we all deserve a little MJ today along with our Stealthy Healthy.

Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin’ how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn’t matter who’s wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it

And now that you will be singing that the rest of the night, let’s change up the lyrics and ‘Beet It.’ I came across this lovely food blog the other day called Pure Vege and had to share this one-of-a-kind recipe. I find the taste and texture of cooked beets very interesting and unique, but they are almost always a side dish or just a colorful addition to an entrée. In this recipe they are incorporated into the actual pasta, giving you gorgeous red-tinted dough and a savory taste quite unlike the typical noodle. Click the picture for the full recipe:

The intense coloring of beets is due to the presence of betalain pigments, giving them a dark red/purple appearance, which is why they were nicknamed “Blood Turnip.” When using beets in juicing or smoothies, even with a small amount, you can expect a deep red color. Beets are also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium and high-quality iron, which makes them an excellent addition to a detoxification routine. For a short period I stopped eating meat and stuck mainly to produce and during that time I was reminded at how many vegetables and fruits there really are. Some are more accessible and easier to cook than others, but don’t take the variety forgranted! Beets are one vegetable I have welcomed back onto my grocery list.

image via

And here are some purchasing tips for anyone who would be buying their very first beet:

Choose beetroots that are firm and unwrinkled. With the greens attached, beets can keep for only three to four days in the fridge as the root has to supply moisture to the leaves. Without the greens attached, beetroot can keep for a couple of weeks.

Beets with round bottoms are sweeter than flat-bottomed ones. Eat beets fresh to enjoy its flavor better. Do not overheat beets when cooking as heat destroys all the essential nutrients. Remove the skin before cooking.

If making juice, put in about a quarter slice of a lemon (with peel) to a medium-sized beetroot to increase the nutrients absorption rate, and to enhance the juice taste.

– via

Now get in there and beet it!

P.S. Did everyone get their RAGBRAI confirmation? We hope so! Check out the RAGBRAI participant guide to see our very first advertisement!

Stay Sassy…

Team Moxie