fall salads

Fall Inspiration and Foods

Food & fitness for your consideration // Fall is just around the corner, but salad season isn’t over yet

I’m sure that after I post this, we’ll find ourselves in another stretch of hot, humid days, but this last week has gotten me thinking of the leaves changing colors, the approaching Holidays, and slightly cold but still sunny days of Fall.

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This morning on my ride to work, despite the high of 81, I was wearing layers and kinda wished I had gloves. It was chilly! You can tell that Fall is on the way with the crisp air and, unfortunately, shortening days. One good thing about the end of summer is the excess garden vegetables that somehow appear in bucketfuls when your co-workers get sick of making salsa and BLTs and end up with more produce than they can handle. Fresh midwest produce should never go to waste, so take advantage of the bounty with this delicious fresh mozzarella, tomato & basil recipe from the folks at Wisconsin Cheese: Continue reading