Dionne Socie | Chandler, AZ

I’m a Mother of two boys and have been married for 23 years. I love the outdoors so I spend most of my fitness time there doing everything from cycling, hiking, camping, fishing, running, and swimming all along practicing my longtime favorite hobby of photography.PrintNumber of years cycling: I first learned how to ride a bike at 4 years old and have been riding ever since. I do everything from road, triathlon, and Mountain. Most recently in the last 2 years I have focused on triathlon training.

Proudest moment on or off the bike: My first Olympic triathlon finish.

Weirdest post-ride craving: I’m not sure I have any weird ones but I live in the southwest so anything and everything from a Mexican food restaurant!

What is your spirit animal? Tiger

Where to find me rocking Moxie Cycling: On the desert trails, pool, roads in the area and with my friends I have meet in the local Mom’s Run This Town/She Runs This Town group and races we go to. My favorites are the Esprit De She series and the local Lifetime Events.

Next challenge: Trying to figure out how to help other women enjoy the benefits of triathlons, biking, and running and overcome what is holding them back from challenging themselves.

Favorite style in the 2016 Spring line:  I love any of the lines with bright colors such as: The Rio Collection and The High Vis and Luminex Collection. I simply love the colors but I also believe in wearing anything that helps to make you visible while riding or running. It makes an enormous difference for safety.

Find Dionne on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and blog!Ambassador Page-Arizona